Present social studies projects December 18th and 19th.
December 19th 2:10 dismissal for Winter Break
Monday: DOL- Grammar Packet 15
Phonics- Spelling Week 12 <ch> for the /k/ sound
Large group- Vocabulary for The Swallow's Gift; Go over words and then complete worksheet pg. 185. Complete crossword on page 185. Pick three words and then create sentences for those words.
Guided reading- Centers; Retesting
Writer's Workshop- Friendly letter to Santa
Math- Lesson 3
Social Studies- Studying the 50 states in their regions. Make sure you are still working on your projects at home.
Tuesday: DOL- Grammar Packet 15
Phonics- <ch> for the /k/ sound Workbook page 24
Large group- Preview, Predict, and Key Concept The Swallow's Gift. Workbook page 186 opposites. Cause and Effect pg 192 and 193
Writer's Workshop- Friendly letter to SantaMath-Lesson 4
Social Studies- Studying the 50 states in their regions. Make sure you are still working on your projects at home.
Wednesday: DOL- Grammar Packet 15
Phonics- Homophones; Homophone Monkey/Homophones videos youtube
Large group- Read The Swallow's Gift; Complete pg. 191 Cause/Effect Homework pg. 187
Guided reading- Centers
Writer's Workshop- Friendly letter to Santa
Math- Lesson 5 Calendar and Function Tables; Homework 138
Thursday: DOL- Grammar Packet 15
Phonics- Spelling Dictation; Homophones; Front side of the worksheet
Large group- The Swallow's Gift Homework pg. 189 and 190
Guided reading- Centers
Writer's Workshop- Friendly letter to Santa
Math- Chapter 6 Quick Quiz; Pre-test
Social Studies- Studying the 50 states in their regions. Make sure you are still working on your projects at home.
Friday: DOL- Grammar Packet 15
Phonics- Spelling Test 12; Homophones, Finish worksheet
Large group- Reading Test over The Swallow's Gift
Guided reading- Centers
Math-Chapter 6 Test
Social Studies- Studying the 50 states in their regions. Make sure you are still working on your projects at home.
Please contact me with any questions, comments, or concerns. Lesson plans are subject to change without notification. Let's have another great week of learning, Wildcats!
Kelly Houser
641-985-2288 opt. 3 2021
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